
Heavy Metal Testing on Funky Fat Chocolates

Heavy Metal Testing on Funky Fat Chocolates

At Funky Fat Foods, we often receive questions about heavy metal contamination, particularly lead and cadmium, in our chocolates. We’re thrilled that our community is mindful about what they consume, as transparency and ingredient integrity are incredibly important—especially when many brands hide their sources or mislead consumers.

In this post, we’ll address the most common concerns around heavy metals in chocolate and what to keep an eye out to make sure the products you consume remain clean and safe for consumption. Here are some of the most common questions:

Should I be worried about lead and cadmium in chocolate?

With some chocolates, yes—but not with ours.

Lead and cadmium can pose risks, but at Funky Fat Foods, we take extensive precautions. Every batch of our chocolate undergoes rigorous testing to ensure that it is free from harmful levels of heavy metals, so you can enjoy our products with peace of mind.

How do lead and cadmium get into chocolate?

Heavy metals can enter chocolate through two primary routes:

    1. Cadmium is absorbed naturally from the soil into cacao plants, which is a concern for cacao farms globally.
    2. Lead can contaminate chocolate during processing, especially in poorly controlled environments.

At Funky Fat Foods, we source our cacao from a sustainable, certified-organic plantation in Peru. This commitment ensures that from the soil to the final chocolate bar, every step is closely monitored for quality and safety.

How can I avoid lead and cadmium contamination?

To minimise your risk of exposure to heavy metals in chocolate, choose brands that emphasise quality and transparency.

At Funky Fat Foods, we proudly disclose our sourcing and production methods, giving you confidence in every bite. We focus on high-quality, craft chocolate with stringent testing standards, so you never have to worry about hidden contaminants.

Always check the ingredients, quality, and sourcing of your chocolate.

Funky Fat Choc Dark - 10 bars -

If packaging doesn’t provide clear information, don’t hesitate to reach out to the brand directly. No matter which brand you choose, it's essential to ensure transparency.

With Funky Fat Foods, you can trust that our chocolate not only tastes great but also adheres to the highest safety and quality standards. Experience clean, worry-free snacking with us!

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